
Manage shares in Overviews

In Overviews you will find all the shares you have sent either by email or via a link. You can then manage them from there according to your needs.

How to manage your shares

  • Edit Share - here you can edit the name and validity of the share.
  • Cancel share - in case the share is still not expired but no longer needs to be functional.
  • Export - export a table of all shares and their associated data.

Among other things, you can click through to each of the shares to see if the shared content is really the one it's supposed to be, or copy the link again and send it to whomever you need.

What I can track in sharing Overviews

  • Sharing validity
  • The user who shared the content from the platform
  • List of shared content
  • The name of the share
  • Who the content was shared to
    • If it was shared via email, you will see here the email addresses you filled in when sharing. If via a link, you will see a link here that you can also click on afterwards.
Preview of sharing in Overviews


Managing sharing in the Overviews section (before the Notifications section) - (03:30)

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