
Creating content

Smartpage is designed to be structured as clearly as possible and to be adaptable to the needs of you and your content. It is used as a place for an end message, file or information. By using elements that are added to the page, you can customize the page to fit the message or function you need.

Content Creation Guide

How to start editing?

On the right side of each smartpage, you'll find a column of actions, including an Edit button that takes you into editing mode. You can then modify the content on the page, upload files and use all of its tools.

Edit button to switch to editing mode

Adding elements

On a smartpage in edit mode you will find a blue Add new element button, which allows you to add the necessary functions. Clicking it will show you all the elements you can use on your page.

Add new element (function) button
Menu of functions that can be added to a smartpage

Smartpage functions / elements


The File element serves as a place to upload your content. Whenever you place a File element on your page, you can set additional specifics for this upload space, such as preview types for uploaded content, ordering, or even disable downloading content from this space.

The element can also be set as a space for uploading without having to log in. Your colleagues, clients, event photographers or suppliers can upload files there after sharing. In short, anyone you ask, from whom you need any data, without having to have an account on the platform.

Setting the preview type of uploaded files

❓ How to set public upload?

In the settings of the File element, enable recording. After publishing, everyone, logged in or not, will be able to upload to the page.

Setting the upload permission in the settings of the File element
File feature video tutorial
Advanced features of the File element


With Page you can structure the file page into individual sections to keep track of the content.

This feature is also useful when downloading uploaded files as a ZIP, as the files will be automatically divided into folders when downloaded according to the page structure on the file page.

A preview of the created sections. The Page element is the first function offered on the function bar.
Page feature video tutorial


The Heading function acts as a subheading that you can use, for example, to name other parts of the page. For example, if you want to specify to the user which package of files they are about to download, you can name it using the heading.

Preview of using the Heading element
Heading feature video tutorial


The Text function allows you to insert all necessary text content, which can also be formatted using the tools.

Text formatting allows you to:

  • bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, subscript, superscript, highlight, remove formatting
  • bulleted list, numbered list, reduce indentation, increase indentation
  • step back, step forward
  • insert link in text
Preview of the Text element
Text Formatting Bar
Text feature video tutorial


In the elements menu you can find the Color element that allows you to add any color according to its RGB code. You always have the possibility to manually add other color variations to it (e.g. HEX, CMYK...).

Preview of the Color setting
Color feature video tutorial


Use the Table function to add an editable table to your page. You can customize the number of columns, rows, headings and content.

Preview of an unfilled Table
Table feature video tutorial


Embed is the perfect feature to unify your work environments into one.

Embeddable apps include Office 365, Google apps or YouTube/Vimeo videos and digital content with iframe embedding.

Simply click to embed all of this with Embed into any BrandCloud page and you're already working in an environment you're comfortable with, with the additional variety of content you need to all the other content.

The content takes over the rights set on the creator page.

How does embedding work?

  • You get the URL link from the page you wish to embed on the smartpage
  • You add the Embed element to the smartpage
  • You enter a valid URL or Embed code and save
Preview of the Embed function before entering a valid URL
Embed feature video tutorial

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